Thursday, September 9, 2010

Difference between inbox mail and spam mail

Inbox mail is where you receive your ordinary mail, the content is only, what's visible to your eyes, usually the message itself.

But spam mail, aside from the content of the mail, it may contain hidden objects like spyware or adware. Spyware is a program that can spy on your computer activities, while adware triggers pop-ups. It will not harm your computer, but it's sometimes annoying.

    1 comment:

    1. inbox mails: these are the mails which send from registered and secure mailing server.. like yahoo, gmail, hotmail etc.

      Spam Mails: these are the mails which send from unregistered and unsecured mailing server... like (Fake mailing system)


      inbox contain mail come from (https secure mailing server)

      spam contain mails from like (not secure mailing server)
